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The Ring Finger Means of Testicular Size as Well

It turns out the ring finger can also reveal more about the private man. A recent study revealed that the length of the ring finger on his right hand man, the bigger the ring finger means of testicular size as well.

This result was found after researchers from South Korea make observations by comparing the length of the ring finger of the right hand man to the size of their testicles. They argued that the size of the length of the ring finger the right man can be used to predict not only the size but also the volume of the testes of men.

as reported by the Daily Mail (03/09). Researchers from the Department of Urology at the University Hospital in Fil Gachin Incheon and Seoul National University Hospital found that men who had the ring finger longer than your index finger on the right hand they might have large testicles. Instead, the guy with the size of your index finger is longer than the finger of sweetness have smaller testicles,

Hence the large testes are important? Big men's testicles do not only relate to the Affairs of sex, but also associated with fertility. Previous research shows that larger testes is directly proportional to the production of more cement.

This research is based on the observation of 172 Korea men aged 20 to 69 years who becomes a patient is to undergo surgery on their intimate parts. Researchers measured the comparative ratio of the length of the index finger and the ring finger the other experts then measured the participants ' testicle separately.

What about the men? If the results of this research also applies to you?


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