How's husband sleep easy

Healthy sex requires a profound and open communication between the two sides, both before and after sexual intercourse sexual intercourse. But in fact, the opposite is happening. Men generally fall asleep shortly after sexual intercourse so that any afterplay does not occur.

When in fact the sex and preclude life, cuddle and talk once sexual intercourse is a very crucial to determine the quality of the relationship the couple. Instead, the party left to sleep by her partner, often feel insecure and uncomfortable. At least this was obtained from a study conducted by scientists from the University of Michigan.

Men are more easily fall asleep shortly after sexual intercourse due to the influence of the hormone serotonin and oksitonin that cause drowsiness. In addition, these hormones also cause a loss of sexual desire after the orgasm. These hormones are changing the structure of the brain so as to make the men easily fall asleep.

The above facts does not mean something is not negotiable. It means the guy is still awake and fit shortly after having sex, so that it can perform such afterplay cuddle and talk. The simplest way is by keeping it healthy and condition of the body stay fit, so it's not easy fatigue after having sex.

25 ways to make a woman happy

This is the thing that has always coveted 25 women and can make them happy. reporting from

1. got a pair that loved him and loyal to him.
2. I can eat a lot of fat without the worry.
3. a lot of friends who are always there in love and grief.
4. the preparation of chocolate every day.
5. When there is no family visits who asked “when is the marriage?” YES!
6. Vacation without interference from anyone.
7. Can a massage gently on the shoulder after a long day of work activity.
8. Makeup that could clean itself without needing milk cleanser or washing face.
9. Be fast asleep after closing my eyes.
10. While recognizing there are many people who love her.
11. always there who remember her birthday, especially from a loved one.
12. special birthday gifts Plus.
13. have a fun job with salary commensurate.
14. the comfortable Beds with soft linens and tender.
15. a tool that could make the room is always neat.
16. wear a bra that really feels good.
17. the Home Office without being bogged down and immediately get to the House.
18. buy a dress once try a direct fit and comfortable.
19. a lazy weekend, for example, watch movies at home while snacking.
20. the current internet connection for 24 hours.
21. savings alone are enough to the old days.
22. discounts, discounts, discounts … “
23. Got a whisper “I love you” every day.
24. always beautiful when photographed without edits here and there.
25. Can a beautiful compliment.

solution for wife are not satisfied

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Your husband is Your dream figure. She is a very kind, compassionate and understand you. But it turns out he has a few drawbacks. He is less great in bed. Then what should you do? See the solution as has been reported by the following

Do ' Digging '

Find out why your husband is not too great in bed. If you actually already know why then you will be able to try to fix it. Discuss with your husband and say what you really want.

Speak From Heart To Heart

Talking about the good things about these issues with your husband. Try to choose words that didn't offend her feelings. Tell us all what the uneg-uneg you.

Toy Story

If this is Your problem and he's been dealing with ' critical ', you can use reinforcements Ladies. Why not try for a threesome with some sex toys. This will help you to get an orgasm. He will also understand what you need.


To say honestly what you want in bed. If Your husband is indeed less experienced why don't you invite him to learn together. This will increase your passion too lho.

Erotic Stuff

Read adult stories together or do role play will be able to improve your passion and also her husband. Read adult novels like 50 Shades of Gray together before going to bed will make you and your husband is passionate. Why not try all of the scenes in the novel?

Adult Movies

This is one function of adult movies. Invite your husband to watch adult movies and this will raise your mood and the mood of the husband. Practise all scenes have been exemplified in the film.

The following is a series of tips that you can do if you have trouble with your partner in bed. May be useful and have a really great night with your hubby.

If this is Your problem and he's been dealing with ' critical ', you can use reinforcements Ladies. Why not try for a threesome with some sex toys. This will help you to get an orgasm. He will also understand what you need.

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