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Risk of Anal Sex

Talk about anal sex is indeed a lot of people who'll feel disgust or uneasy doing so. However, it is also not a few others couples who love doing anal sex.
for those of you often do anal sex, some opinions that you need to know, so you know the risks of anal sex.

Dr. Debby Herbenick from men's Health (19/01) explains that anal sex can be done safely and comfortably if done correctly. In fact, as long as it's around 25-40 percent of the women ever tried anal sex and having no problems. However it is possible to experience problems when conduct child sex and end in destruction of rectal muscles.

So far researchers have never done research on the safety of doing anal sex in a long period of time. If doing anal sex in a long period of time and are not done properly, it could have happened to the pressure on the back part of the vaginal wall. This could trigger someone to fart more easily.

In addition, if it is not done carefully there is also the possibility of tearing of the muscles in the rectum when doing anal sex. Sex analtidak can be done in vain. If not careful could damage the rectum and made to be uncomfortable.

Doing anal sex can also increase the risk of anal cancer and HPV (the virus sexually transmitted disease). Although HPV also can be transmitted not only through anal sex, but also oral sex or vaginal penetration and passing.

Doing anal sex is the choice of each spouse. If someone enjoys doing anal sex, then it's worth a try. But before that, make sure you know how to do anal sex with either to prevent the occurrence of damage to the rectal muscles and organs of your body to another. Therefore, using lubricant and do anal sex with care will help reduce those risks.


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